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Anti-allergy • 60 capsules

Vendor code: 5f0770f5415c Categories: Preparations in capsules


At home, at work, on the street and even on vacation, we are constantly attacked by allergens of natural and anthropogenic origin. Myriads of viruses, bacteria, fungi, spores, non-settling dust from the action of production are in the air. The products are overflowing with additives, dyes, fillers, preservatives and antibiotics. All this (and not only this) is a source of potential allergic reactions. Our collection will help to significantly reduce the aggressive environmental impact due to the bright anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity of the fungi and plants included in it. The collection is useful both as a preventive and for most manifestations of allergies. Perfectly combined with the drug “Detox”.

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  • All mushrooms of the complex have a pronounced anti-allergenic effect and reduce the effects of most natural allergens, including wool and pollen of plants
  • Chaga contributes to the effective neutralization of external and internal allergens of anthropogenic (non-natural) origin
  • Chaga, hedgehog and champignon have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects
  • Reishi, cordyceps, chaga and shiver will have a stimulating and tonic effect
  • Veselka, shiver and sophora will relieve inflammatory processes in colds and allergic reactions

Chaga (Inonotus obbliquus) sclerotia powder
Cordyceps armed (Cordyceps militaris) powder of fruit bodies
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) fruit body powder
Veselka (Phallus impudicus) powder of fruit bodies
Fucus-shaped trembler (Tremella fuciformis) powder of fruit bodies
Crested hedgehog (Hericium erinaceum) powder of fruit bodies
Field champignon (Agaricus campestris) powder of fruit bodies
Sophora japonica (Styphnolobium japonicum) dried fruits

Activated (frozen) fine powders of wild-growing chaga, cordyceps armed, reishi (varnished tinder), veselka, fucus-shaped yeast, combed hedgehog and field champignon were used to compile the matrix. Mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 30-35 ° C, which ensures complete preservation of pharmacological qualities. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, ergosterol, phytosteroids, triterpenoids, melanins, antioxidants, organic acids, vitamins, trace elements and other bioactive substances that provide anti-allergenic, detoxifying and immunomodulatory effects.

The course consists of 60 capsules of 0.33 g of powder in each (the total weight of the capsule is 0.43 g) and is designed for 20 days of admission. Capsules should be taken three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. The course can be used prophylactically or symptomatically. The course does not conflict with other courses and pharmacological preparations, does not require breaks. Perfectly combined with drugs “Detox” and “Liver protection”. It is especially recommended in the spring and autumn period.
If you have a current medical condition or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional or a fungotherapist before using this product.

Detailed description of ingredients:


Chaga contains water–soluble chromogens – derivatives of phenolic aldehydes, polyphenols, oxyphenol carboxylic acids and their quinones, as well as humin-like chaga acid (up to 60%), polysaccharides (beta-glucans), lignin, fiber, phytosterols (for example, lanosterol and ergosterol), pteric compounds, organic acids (including oxalic acid up to 4.5%), triterpenic acids (including betulinic acid), free phenols, salts of silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium. The pronounced physiological activity of chaga preparations is due to the presence of a large amount of chaga acid, which dissolves in water and gives the infusions of this mushroom a brown hue. Chaga increases the protective reactions of the body, activates the metabolism in the brain tissue, which is manifested by an increase in the bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex. Chaga acts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, increases overall tone. Treatment with chaga improves the general condition of patients, eliminates swallowing disorders, reduces hoarseness of voice, improves breathing, reduces the concomitant inflammatory process.
Chaga stimulates the immune system by exhibiting an immunomodulatory effect against cytokinins and interleukins, and increasing the production and activity of macrophages and natural killers. The antiviral activity of the infusion of chaga was confirmed due to the content of betulin, hypolone, lupeol and mycosterols. Pulp extract (and especially black peel) is effective against AIDS viruses, hepatitis, influenza A and B, coronavirus, etc.

Russian cordyceps

According to its medicinal, tonic and adaptogenic properties, cordyceps armed practically does not differ from Chinese cordyceps, but is much weaker (5-10 times). This determines an impressive difference in cost. To get a similar effect, you either need to eat 5-10 times more cordyceps powder than Chinese, or use it in the form of fine powder, which significantly increases digestibility. In general, in terms of the use of “Russian” cordyceps is similar to Chinese in everything.
According to recent studies, in terms of anticancer activity, cordyceps armed is practically not inferior to cordyceps Chinese.


The chemical composition is rich in proteins (including all essential and interchangeable amino acids and amides). Fats contain mostly unsaturated fatty acids. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins (mainly C and D) and minerals (in particular, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, germanium, silver, barium). Reishi contains the most active polysaccharides among all medicinal mushrooms and plants. Only this type of fungi serves as a source of a group of so-called ganodermic acids, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. Ganodermic acids have an anti-allergic effect and improve oxygen absorption.
Reishi has an analgesic and soothing effect, relaxes muscles, suppresses convulsions, increases the body’s tolerance to lack of oxygen and low temperatures, causes a long and persistent decrease in blood pressure, increases diuresis, has a hepatoprotective effect, soothes shortness of breath, stops coughing, promotes sputum discharge. Ganodermic polysaccharides have been isolated from reishi, which lower blood sugar levels. Reishi also suppresses the development of pneumococcus, group A streptococci, white staphylococcus, influenza virus.
Reishi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic drug. As a tonic, it strengthens the body’s strength, and as an adaptogen helps to adapt to stress. The mushroom is a natural adaptogen that improves the health and normal functioning of the body. It not only enhances some components of the immune response in cancer patients, but also suppresses pathological changes in the immune system in autoimmune diseases.
Terpenoids (derivatives of triterpenes) increase stress resistance or, in other words, “restore harmony”, which is the main definition for adaptogens. Triterpenes affect nonspecific immunity, including the complementary activity and function of macrophages. They improve liver function, and also have many valuable pharmacological properties, such as lowering the level of lipids in the blood, normalizing blood pressure, soothing effect on the nervous system, relieving inflammation and pain, contribute to detoxification of the body, have an antioxidant effect. Nucleoside analogues in reishi spores include adenine, adenosine and uracil RNA, which have an active physiologically effect. Adenazine, for example, actively prevents the formation of blood clots.
Varnished tinder contains 10 times more natural organic germanium than ginseng. Germanium helps to identify cancer cells, encourages macrophages to envelop tumor cells, and also stimulates the production of interferon, improves the function of the immune system and inhibits the development of cancer cells. Modern laboratory and clinical studies by Chinese and European specialists have revealed anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-allergic and antitumor properties of reishi. Reishi has a special therapeutic value in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and improvement of kidney function.

Fucus-shaped tremor

One of the main active components of this mushroom are polysaccharides. They, like other heteropolysaccharides, have immunostimulating activity and adaptogenic properties. When using fruit bodies, polysaccharides have a gastroprotective effect (due to the formation of a mucoid film on the gastric mucosa); in addition, yeast polysaccharides are a good medium for the growth of probiotic microorganisms. According to the data obtained, the accumulation of biomass of useful bifidobacteria on a medium with yeast polysaccharides occurs much faster than on a standard medium. Being in the gastrointestinal tract, polysaccharides are able to bind lipids, preventing their absorption, which, combined with a mild laxative effect, ultimately leads to a decrease in excess body weight associated with obesity.
In Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine, the mushroom in the form of syrups is used as an anti-inflammatory, antitumor, stimulating and tonic, antiallergic and antidiabetic agent, against lung diseases, to improve the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, stomach.


The mushroom has shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and anti-stress (adaptogenic) effects. Veselka destroys herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis and cytomegalovirus, relieves inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Crested hedgehog

Mushroom polysaccharides stimulate the body’s immunity, reduce fatigue and lower the lipid content in the blood. The crested hedgehog activates T- and B-lymphocytes of the immune system, increasing the growth rate of lymphocytes twice and increasing their number three times from the original. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the fungus have shown antibacterial action, suppressing the growth of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus and Helicobacter pylori, as well as antifungal in relation to Aspergillus niger.

Field champignon

Wild-growing champignon is characterized by excellent therapeutic and preventive properties. Broad antibacterial activity is shown for it, it serves as an effective immunostimulator. A broad-spectrum antibiotic agaridoxin, which has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microorganisms, was obtained from the fruit bodies of ordinary champignon. The antibiotic isolated from this fungus campestrin suppresses typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli, as well as Staphylococcus aureus. Mushroom powder is a potent anti-allergen and is characterized by pronounced antiseptic properties. In China, champignon is used as a remedy for measles, chronic arachnoiditis, influenza, etc.

Fucus-shaped tremor

One of the main active components of this mushroom are polysaccharides. They, like other heteropolysaccharides, have immunostimulating activity and adaptogenic properties. The mushroom increases the level of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in the brain, liver and skin. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine, the mushroom is used as an anti-inflammatory, stimulating, tonic and anti-allergic agent, against lung diseases.

Sophora japonica (fruit)

The plant has a powerful anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effect, increases immunity. Its main active ingredients are flavonoids (of which rutin is the main one). Sophora fruits are also used for diathesis, eczema, psoriasis, inflammatory diseases of the joints. Sophora is rich in natural antioxidants, thanks to which it removes toxins from the body, cleansing the blood and liver.