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Healthy heart • 60 capsules

Vendor code: 89b371ccad8c Categories: Preparations in capsules


The “Healthy Heart” collection is designed to improve and maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system at any age. The mushrooms included in the preparation will ensure the purity of blood vessels, the health of the heart muscle, normalize blood composition, prevent the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. The collection is an excellent prevention of most heart diseases and has a beneficial effect on any problems of the cardiovascular system. It is especially recommended for arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, disorders of lipid metabolism and blood microcirculation, as well as for people over 40 years of age. Perfectly combined with drugs “Detox” and “Comfortable old age


  • Prevention of any cardiovascular diseases
  • Health and smooth operation of the heart muscle, cleansing of the circulatory system, vascular health
  • Elimination of atherosclerosis of blood vessels (cholesterol plaques) and blood clots
  • It is especially recommended for arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, disorders of lipid metabolism and blood microcirculation
  • Champignon relieves heartache
  • Autumn honeydew increases blood flow to the heart and saturates the blood with oxygen
  • The tremor «judas ear » and chaga prevent the formation of blood clots
  • Cordyceps, reishi and fucus-shaped tremor will charge the heart with energy
  • Birch sponge, which has recently passed clinical trials for major cardiovascular diseases, is used as part of the collection

Field champignon (Agaricus campestris) powder of fruit bodies
Autumn sawdust (Armillaria borealis) powder of fruit bodies
Juda’s ear tremor (Auricularia auricola-judae) powder of fruit bodies
Fucus-shaped trembler (Tremella fuciformis) powder of fruit bodies
Cordyceps armed (Cordyceps militaris) powder of fruit bodies
Birch sponge (Piptoporus betulinus) powder of fruit bodies
Flammulina velvatistonkovaya (Flammulina velutipes) powder of fruit bodies
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) fruit body powder
Ram mushroom (Grifola frondosa) fruit body powder
Oyster oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) powder of fruit bodies
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus f. sterilis) powder of sclerotia

To compile the matrix, activated (frozen) fine powders of wild field champignon, autumn openka, Juda’s ear tremor, fucus-shaped tremor, armed cordyceps, birch sponge, velvety-legged flammulina, reishi (lacquered tinder), lamb mushroom (maitake), oyster oyster and chaga were used. Mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 30-35 °C, which ensures complete preservation of pharmacological qualities. The drug contains a full range of components: polysaccharides, glycoproteins, ergosterol, phytosteroids, triterpenoids, melanins, organic acids, vitamins, trace elements and other bioactive substances that ensure the normal functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.

The course consists of 60 capsules of 0.46 g of powder in each (the total weight of the capsule is 0.56 g) and is designed for 1 month of admission. Capsules should be taken two a day, at any time, regardless of the meal. The course can be used prophylactically or symptomatically. In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, you can increase the intensity of intake to 3-4 capsules per day. The course does not conflict with other courses and pharmacological preparations, does not require breaks. Perfectly combined with drugs “Detox” and “Comfortable old age“.
If you have a current medical condition or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional or a fungotherapist before using this product.